Mystery of 13 crystal skull

 13 crystal skull

Beginning in the late 19th century, around a dozen carved skulls made of clear or milky white quartz—also known as rock crystal—made their way into private and public collections around the globe. Since then, the origins of these “crystal skulls” have been the subject of ongoing mystery and controversy. According to the people who claimed to have discovered the skulls, they date back thousands or even tens of thousands of years, to ancient Mesoamerican civilizations such as the Aztec, Toltec, Mixtec or Maya. Many of those who believe in the crystal skulls’ ancient provenance attribute supernatural powers to the objects, including healing properties and the power to expand a person’s psychic abilities in their presence. Some have linked the skulls to the lost city of Atlantis, or claimed them as proof that extraterrestrials visited pre-Columbian civilizations such as the Aztecs. The 2008 movie “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” capitalized on the ongoing mystery, as well as the passion the skulls’ believers bring to their side of the argument.

Crystal Skull Legend

Native American Cherokee Medicine Man, Harley Swift-Deer Reagan is quoted as saying: "The skulls were kept inside a pyramid in a formation of tremendous power known as the Ark. The Ark was comprised of the twelve skulls from each of the sacred planets kept in a circle, with the thirteenth skull, the largest, placed in the center of this formation. This thirteenth skull represents the collective consciousness of all the worlds. It connects up the knowledge of all the sacred planets.

Elements Of The 13 Crystal Skulls Legend

The basic elements of the 13 crystal skulls legend is that at a pivotal time in humanity's history, the 13 crystal skulls will be reunited to awaken a new era - transforming from an old paradigm into a new world.

Patricio Dominguez - Pueblo Spiritual Advisor: "The crystal skulls are complete depositories of knowledge and each skull contains a particular specialist area of information - like a living library [each skull is like one volume in a set of encyclopedias]. And the people who will in the future be able to 'read' the crystal skulls will only be able to extract all the knowledge from the skulls once they are all assembled together... Of course, the knowledge that is going to come out from the skulls is quite unimaginable to our current minds. But that it is definitely going to come out at a certain time is already foregone. It has been prophesied. But whether we humans then use that knowledge for good or for our own destruction is really down to our preparations."

13 Crystal Skulls Sets

The fundamental elements of the 13 crystal skulls legend is that at a pivotal time in humanity's history, the 13 crystal skulls will be reunited to awaken a new era - transforming from an old paradigm into a new world. These legends have been handed down from generation to generation for thousands of years, which attests to their enduring power.

When crystal skulls are put together, you can feel the intensity of the power in the room. When they are placed in a circle of 12, this matrix creates a powerful resonant field at an extremely high vibrational frequency. When a 13th crystal skull is added, it augments eveything exponentially.

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